Amgen's 2027 Environmental Sustainability Plan

We have demonstrated our commitment to environmentally responsible operations by reducing our impact on the environment in multiple areas of our global business. Sustainable operations are a wise investment, improving efficiency and creating value.

2027 Plan

Amgen's 2027 Environmental Sustainability Plan features ambitious targets on carbon emissions, water conservation and waste reductions. This is Amgen’s third Environmental Sustainability Plan since 2008, and the keystone of the plan is a commitment to achieving carbon neutrality1 in Amgen’s operations over the next 7 years. The plan also includes goals to reduce water use by 40% and waste disposal by 75%.

Our approach to reducing Amgen’s environmental footprint focuses on driving innovation across our business operations, increasing the efficiency of existing processes and integrating purchased or on-site renewable energy. We will implement sustainable practices in the areas of research, process development, manufacturing, transportation and distribution, sourcing, and products and packaging.


Our Environment, Health, Safety, and Sustainability (EHSS) function seeks to deliver world-class EHSS solutions that safeguard our people, our patients, and our communities. Using an enterprise-wide EHSS management system, we evaluate and mitigate EHSS risk; carry out documentation and training; collect, respond to, and analyze incident reports; measure performance; and review trends to determine areas for improvement. Amgen’s Vice President of Engineering has overall responsibility for our environmental sustainability strategy. EHSS employees collaborate with our Manufacturing, Global Commercial Operations, and Research and Development functions to develop programs and monitor progress toward environmental sustainability targets. Updates on the progress toward targets by functions are provided directly to the EHSS Executive Director. The Corporate Responsibility and Compliance Committee of the Board of Directors is updated at least annually on our progress in this area. Our CEO and senior leadership team have overall responsibility for Amgen activities related to climate change.

For more information on Amgen’s corporate governance and the board of directors, visit the Leadership section of our website.

Transparency and Engagement

To identify key environmental targets for the plan, Amgen considered many factors, such as impacts on environmental health, the effects of climate change and business resiliency. Our reporting reflects these factors with a focus on alignment with key international frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and those established by CDP, an organization that collects environmental sustainability metrics.

To ensure that our environmental sustainability initiatives and communications remain relevant and aligned with stakeholder expectations, we engaged with stakeholders to gather updated perspectives that facilitate continuous improvement of our responsibility strategies and communication.

Amgen participates with academic and industry leaders to gain knowledge and share best practices for making the research, development and manufacture of our medicines more environmentally sustainable. We belong to the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute's Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical roundtables, participate in the Pharmaceutical Environmental Group (a peer-based group that shares best practices for environmental sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry), and engage in a number of industry initiatives to promote more sustainable processes for research and development and manufacturing.

  1. 100% carbon neutrality across Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions where,
    • Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources (combustion of fuels on site)
    • Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy (electricity or steam)