Amgen Statement on Compendia | Amgen

Amgen Statement on Compendia

Consistent with Amgen’s commitment to ensure the availability of accurate, current information on our products, Amgen provides new data and information, as appropriate, to those compendia recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS-Recognized Compendia).

CMS-Recognized Compendia include those identified in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Chapter 15): American Hospital Formulary Service-Drug Information (AHFS DI®); Clinical Pharmacology©; DRUGDEX®; Lexi-Drugs®; and NCCN Compendium®.

Amgen monitors the information contained in CMS-Recognized Compendia annually and submits corrections or updates as necessary to ensure that the CMS-Recognized Compendia are made aware of any published material errors or inaccuracies regarding Amgen products. Although Amgen does not routinely monitor non-CMS-Recognized Compendia, to the extent that Amgen becomes aware of any material errors or inaccuracies regarding Amgen products published in non-CMS-Recognized Compendia, Amgen may also provide corrections or updates to those publications as necessary. If asked for information by Compendia, Amgen does its due diligence to collect and provide that requested information on a reactive basis, as appropriate.

The Amgen website contains the most accurate and current information regarding Amgen products. For further information or assistance, please contact Amgen Medical Information at 1-800-77-AMGEN (1-800-772-6436).