Support for Breast Cancer Survivors, Including One on Our Team | Amgen

Support for Breast Cancer Survivors, Including One on Our Team


Pictured above: Many dozens of Amgen employees at the company's Louisville, Kentucky facility don pink shirts in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (and one of their own).

The distribution of Amgen medicines from our Louisville, Kentucky center is no small task. It takes a team. With many medicines needing to be stored at precise temperatures, then carefully shipped across the country and overseas, there are many moving parts involved. Ruth Torres has been a key leader at this distribution site for years, always making sure these operations run smoothly because of our commitment to patients. She is also a breast cancer survivor, battling ongoing health challenges from the disease.

Led by Deana Kingston, Emily Buchanan, and Adam Biebelhauser, the entire Louisville team came together to show their support and care for Torres during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

At Amgen, we’re proud to be part of a global—and local—team that is finding ways to care for one another despite the restrictions we’re observing due to COVID-19.

“God has blessed me in many ways. My husband, kids and Amgen extended family have been supporting me in this journey. They give me the strength to keep fighting,” said Torres. She also emphasized the importance of continuing to take care of our health during this time, saying “I encourage every woman to do their annual screening, exercise and eat healthy. Early detection is important.”

We think sharing this story is a great way to close out Breast Cancer Awareness month.


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