Donations & Grant Disclosures FAQs | Amgen

Donations & Grant Disclosures FAQs

Why is Amgen reporting donations and grants made by the company and the Amgen Foundation?

Amgen is committed to clear and ongoing communications with the patients, physicians and people we serve.  Disclosure of donations and independent medical education grants made by Amgen and the Amgen Foundation is an example of Amgen's commitment to its values and the Clearly Amgen initiative (see the homepage for a link to our Clearly Amgen disclosures or click here).

What information will be included in the donations and grants disclosures?

Beginning in the first quarter of 2008, Amgen is disclosing all healthcare donations and independent medical education grants made by the company and grants and charitable contributions made by the Amgen Foundation.  Amgen is posting the Donations and Grant Recipients List on the company website,, and will update the website on a quarterly basis with donation and grant information.

Will donation and grant recipients be notified that this information will be made public?

Yes, Amgen will notify donation recipients that funding information will be made public on our website.  All prospective recipients will be made aware of our disclosure policy.

How does Amgen determine the resource allocation for specific donations?

Amgen reviews each request independently to determine compliance with all guidelines and standards and makes decisions to fund based on the needs of the educational activity or organization.

What types of educational and scientific donations does Amgen provide?

As part of Amgen's mission to dramatically improve people's lives, ten types of educational and scientific donations are offered across different therapeutic areas of interest:

  • Independent Medical Education
  • Ancillary Support for Healthcare Professionals in Training
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines Support
  • Fellowship – Stipend Support
  • Fundraising/Charitable Events
  • Junior Faculty Awards
  • Other Healthcare Programs and Initiatives
  • Patient/Public Education Programs
  • Pharmacy Residency – Stipend Support
  • Professional Medical Society Support

How does the Amgen Foundation determine the resource allocation for specific grants?

Organizations requesting funding submit a comprehensive grant application including the specific dollar amount requested for the funding.  The Amgen Foundation's grant review committees evaluate the request's alignment to the Foundation's mission, the amount of the grant request, the needs of the organization and/or program being funded and the potential impact of the grant on the organization and its community.

What are the grant making areas of focus for Amgen Foundation?

The Foundation seeks to award grants to regional, national, and global nonprofit organizations that have programs that are replicable, scalable and designed to have a lasting and meaningful effect in our communities.  Grants should reflect Amgen's dedication to impacting lives in inspiring and innovative ways.

Each year, the Foundation receives hundreds of grant proposals. While it is not possible for every organization to receive funding, those that are in alignment with the Foundation's guidelines and programmatic vision outlined below are given careful consideration. 

  • Science Education – The Foundation is committed to raising the value of science literacy on a national and local level. The priorities within science education are:
    • Teacher quality and professional development in science
    • Pivotal hands-on science experiences
  • Community Life –Our focus is to fund programs that enhance civic engagement by supporting science and education based initiatives, environmental programs, health and social services, as well as culture and arts in an effort to strengthen and enrich our communities.

For complete details regarding the Amgen Foundation criteria for grant making, please click here.

Will Amgen archive the disclosures on

Yes, Amgen will archive the quarterly grants and donations reports on

Will Amgen disclose grants provided outside of the United States?

Amgen is currently discloses grants and donations made in the U.S. and Europe and is evaluating the process for disclosing the information for our global efforts. Many factors must be considered including disclosure regulations in other countries.