Reporting and Metrics | Amgen

Reporting and Metrics

Amgen communicates its progress on environmental, social, and governance priorities in a variety of ways. We provide information on our website, participate in industry and investor conferences and workshops, provide information to external organizations and produce annual reports.

Our reporting reflects several international standards and guidelines, including the CDP, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Sustainability Accounting Standard, the United Nations Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting standard.

The following represents selected reporting and metrics:

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Report 2023 

Amgen's mission is to serve patients—and it goes beyond making vital medicines. We are working to help build a better world by focusing on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics that matter most to our business and to our stakeholders.

Archived ESG Reports 

UNGC Communication on Progress

Amgen is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and provides an annual Communication on Progress.

Environmental Sustainability Performance Data

We report our progress on specific targets for environmental conservation and improvements. We measure our overall carbon emissions, energy, water use, and waste disposed. Apex Companies, LLC (Apex) has been engaged by Amgen to provide limited reasonable assurance of selected environmental and safety data. This Assurance Statement applies to the Subject Matter included within the scope of work. Please see our Independent Verification Statement  for additional information.


We disclose climate change and water information as part of CDP's (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) annual investor request. 

Donations and Grants

We disclose donations and grants made by Amgen and the Amgen Foundation. 

Financial Reporting

Securities and Exchange Commission required financial reporting

EFPIA Disclosures

We are committed to fully complying with the disclosure requirements of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) codes of practice.

Political Contributions

Reports containing our political contributions in the U.S.