California Supply Chain Transparency Act | Amgen

California Transparency in Supply Chain Act (SB 657)

Amgen expects its suppliers that supply materials that are incorporated into Amgen's products to comply with applicable laws, which include applicable laws prohibiting the use of child, involuntary, or slave labor.  Amgen has the right to audit our key suppliers of materials that are incorporated into Amgen's products and it conducts or uses third parties to conduct announced audits of suppliers to assess compliance with this expectation. If Amgen determines that a supplier has failed to meet these expectations, Amgen may take action with respect to that supplier, including requiring corrective actions or canceling outstanding orders. Amgen has not required independent certifications of compliance but typically has the right to obtain documentary evidence of compliance upon request.

Amgen provides compliance training to all staff and has global compliance policies requiring Amgen personnel to comply with all applicable laws.  Any employee who fails to abide by Amgen's compliance policies may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.