Interactions with Patient Groups | Amgen

Interactions With Patient Groups

To deliver the greatest value of our products and services to patients, we must ensure that patients’ needs and concerns are being heard within the company. Patient advocacy groups have a deep and holistic understanding of patients’ needs, concerns, and day-to-day lives. As a result, they can provide meaningful and impactful insights that improve our understanding of how our products fit into a patient’s journey at the different stages of a product’s lifecycle based on patient experience.

Through appropriate collaborations we can, for example, tap into these communities to advise us on ways to improve trial design to be more patient friendly, understand the best ways to communicate accurate and balanced treatment and product information to patients, and raise awareness about diseases.

To protect and enhance these valuable relationships, we have established principles that set the standard for our interactions with patient groups. These principles guide what we say and do in collaboration with patient groups. In all our engagements, we prioritize transparency, ethical action, and the third-party/patient organizations’ autonomy and independence, as follows:

  • Transparency – The existence, and nature, of Amgen’s relationship with the organization is appropriately disclosed.
  • Ethical – Neither explicit nor implicit promotion or endorsement of a product is ever requested or expected.
  • Autonomy – Maintaining an organization’s independence is paramount: Amgen’s support is never contingent on activities or expectations that could jeopardize an organization’s self-determination, or create even an appearance of impropriety.
  • Aligned Priorities – Amgen and advocacy organizations work together at the intersection of common priorities.
  • Respect – We recognize and respect differing perspectives, expertise and experiences.
  • Non-exclusive – Amgen encourages organizations to seek multiple sources of funding on any given initiative.
  • Patient-Centered – The end goal of joint endeavors is always improved patient outcomes and experiences.

As of August 4, 2023